Heart Strings
And so, tomorrow my husband and I will be heading home. It's been a long time away for both of us and we are eager to get back home, to our home. I miss my babies. Yet leaving family and friends is hard, and the heart strings are pulling... This has been another wild, emotional ride...will there ever be a time we visit when hospitals and sick people aren't involved? We came up in June for our nephew's wedding and ended up spending most of the time at a hospital, his brother fighting for his life. This time, there has been sickness, surgeries, accidents, hospital visits - on both sides of the family. My Dad is still in the hospital and leaving him is rather hard. Leaving my Mom, alone in her condo, is hard. Part of me wants to stay longer to ensure Dad is okay; to keep Mom company so she's not alone, but I know both will be well cared for by my siblings. Even so, the heart strings pull. I wasn't planning to be up here for three an...