Equal Opportunity Posting
So, as everyone must know by now, I love my cats...Miss Marplestein and Dulcinea. They are simply adorable and bring so much pleasure to my life. I posted the other day about Dulcinea getting into my 'unmentionables' drawer. Well, not to be out done, I must post about Miss Marplestein. Now, she is much more demure than Dulcinea. The other night, I looked up, and there she was, just sitting on the wall enjoying the Christmas tree lights and decorations. Yes, I had to snap a picture or two and yes, I just had to post. She was so intent she didn't even notice the camera. I wonder what she was thinking or was she just wishing upon the star? Both cats have loved the tree this year - have enjoyed sleeping under the pine canopy, especially when Henley is visiting the neighbors. All is peaceful and quiet. Merry Christmas to my baby girls who bring me such joy!