One Year...

ago, today, the world lost a remarkable man while heaven gained a beautiful soul. I miss you so much, Dad. I am told that the first year is the hardest, that it does get easier, and I am hoping that is the case. My life is a little less sunnier without you here, my smile not quite as genuine...strange as it may sound, life just is not the same without you and I still find it hard to believe you are gone. I know you are up there, loving us, praying for us daily. And I know your prayers are working miracles; you are still taking care of your family, and guiding us, just as you always did. As I write this, my eyes turn to the clock and I realize the time...little did we know, one year ago at this very minute, that you only had 5 more minutes of life in your body. And I sometimes wonder why you chose to leave us, alone. You waited till Albert left the room, then decided to move onward to your heavenly home. I suppose one day I will be able to ask yo...