A Heart Full of Thanksgiving
And love. This time of year the weather is beautiful in Florida. It is not cold nor hot, just gorgeous. Even so, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Thanksgiving was a day filled with family and food, and though Mom did not join us, she enjoyed her day of peace and solitude. It was a win win for all concerned. Terry has been off work for the past four days - another blessing. We've had time to decorate the house together, do yard work, put up our outdoor manger scene, and just have quality time. Mom has been delightful. She has joined us on two excusrions, and is looking forward to evening drives to see the array of Christmas lights. She loves the house, and the tree. She did not feel up to helping with the tree decorations, but she loved the Christmas music, loved watching Terry and I work together, and gave her advice on where ornaments should be hung. Come evening, the house is comforting, warm, and cozy - like a hu...