Strong and Beautiful


My goddaughter gave me this mug on my 60th birthday. Every morning it reminds me that no matter how I feel, I am these very things - strong and beautiful. Thank you, Petunia.

This is dedicated to all the women in my life. To my Mom, Carmella, who is still going at 90 years. Her body and mind are beginning to fail, but what a life she has lived! To my strong, beautiful sisters, Mary Jo, Kate, Suzie, Karen, Joycie - every one of them have gone through trials and tribulations, yet they remain strong and beautiful. They have been put through the fire and have come out scarred, but whole. Resilient. 

To my decesased grandmothers, Josephine and Dorothy, who I never knew.  Both strong and beautiful in so many ways. Both had to deal with struggles and heartache and both died far too young. 

To my aunts, nieces, cousins, friends. So many women who wake up every morning and go about their business. Taking care of families, jobs, life - the backbone and support for husbands/children/parents/friends. 

We all have our days when we feel ugly, fat, unworthy.  BUT WE ARE NOT!  We are perfect as we are - and that is enough!  I love the phrase 'perfectly imperfect'.  YES!  I hate my stomach, but I no longer try to hide it.  I am 62 years old!  Who the hell cares if I have a roll? I am beautiful.  YOU are beautiful. 

Never doubt the strength you have. Never doubt you are anything but amazing. Encourage each other to stand tall and proud. Let us rejoice in our rolls, our flabby arms - whatever we look at as faults - no, they are not.  They make us who we are!  Magnificent creatures who create life, sustain life. Who fight fiercely for those we love.  Yes, ladies, we are STRONG and BEAUTIFUL!


  1. Ok...I just love this!!! I AM strong AND beautiful. My flabby stems are NOT flabby they are beautifully SQUISHY according to my 4-yr old grandson who loves to bury his face in them. Thank you God for all your beautiful creatures❤️

  2. ‘Beautifully squishy’!!! Love it! 💕

  3. I just love this blog!! Just 2 days ago I was talking to my friend about how I'm starting to just like myself the way I am. I'll do some exercising, but right now in my life, I'm tired of killing myself to try to look 25 again!! So, Amen sister!! I can finally tell myself I'm beautiful just the way I am!!

  4. Yea! And yes, yes, you are! And your comment now has your name, not ‘anon’ 😄


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