Kindred Spirits


When I took this photo, I had a moment of clarity. These two precious beings are kindred spirits. I see a woman who has lived a good life with a mind full of wisdom and facts, and a baby, just starting her life with a mind eager for knowledge. They seem to be so different. But are they?  I think not. In fact, they are quite similar in many ways. 

Mom is 91. Audriana is 9 months. Quite a disparity in age. Yet, both have their meals prepared for them or they would not eat.  Both have a walker to assist them - Mom to steady herself; Audri to learn how to walk. Both need assistance in selecting clothes for they day. Both require repetition; one to retain knowledge, the other to access knowledge.  Both take frequent naps. Mom requires a wheelchair or electric scooter for our daily walks; Audri requires a stroller - neither are strong, or confident, enough to walk on their own. Both enjoy and laugh at my dancing and find me entertaining. 😀 Both are fully dependent on others. Every need is met. Both are loved, content, and happy. 

We are born. We live and learn. We age. We die. That's life in a nutshell. Mom often says had she known this is what life would be, she would not have taken such good care of herself. When I see Mom struggling with a thought, or when I repeat something for the 10th time, my heart aches. I wonder what must it be like in her mind? What is she thinking? She is aware of her forgetfulness; she is not aware just how forgetful she is. 

Life is precious. I am blessed to have the oppoturnity to care for these lovely humans. I am blessed to witness such beautiful moments as captured in these photos. I believe Mom and Audriana are kindred spirits and understand each other far more than I ever will. 


  1. Beautifully said...thought provoking as well. Hugs to you as I know these bittersweet moments are precious but difficult. ❤

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read. And yes, bittersweet, precious, and difficult. ❤️

  2. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ you captured the moment delicately and sweetly, sister❤️❤️❤️

    1. Thank you for your faithfulness in reading my words, and your encouragement. ❤️

  3. Absolutely beautiful! ❤️❤️❤️

  4. So true and beautifully expressed. Please give Aunt Car my love and a big hug. Love to you too.

    1. Thank you for reading. I will give Mom your love 💕 May I ask who this is? It only says unknown, and I want to give Mom a hug from the right person 😊

  5. Beautifully said 💖 Love you and thank you for writing. 😍🤗


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