Mysterious Ways

Our minds work in mysterious ways, as does our Lord. 

This is how my day started:

Mom: I have a dumb question to ask.

Me: No question is dumb. What’s your question?

Mom: That furniture in my bedroom looks like the furniture I bought long ago. Is it mine?

Me: Yes. That’s yours.

Mom: Oh my! How nice that it’s here. I bought something else too, I think

Me: The cedar chest?

Mom: Yes!

She then proceeds to relate the whole story about how/why/when she bought the furniture. Mind you, I've heard this story many, many times. And isn't it odd that she can remember the story of how she bought the furniture, which was 70 years ago, but cannot remember that the furniture was moved down here with her. It has been in her room for over a year. She looks at it often and relates the story. Yes, I could feel my inner annoyance. I just wanted to drink my coffee and do my bible study. Here is an excerpt from this morning's study:

"He is always there—far outranking Satan in strength—to hear our troubled prayers, reaffirm His fearless promises, and deliver the next bit of lamplight we need for walking steadily in His direction. Shields up, soldiers. We’re walking by faith."

Wow! Our Lord has a way of hitting us on the head, gently, but a nice hit all the same. Actually, this was more of a hammer! HE never tires of listening to us, reassuring us, loving us. Immediately, my thought was: may I be the same for Mom. May I never tire of guiding her through these muddy waters. May I be a lamplight for her when she is troubled and cannot find the light. 

Mom's mind is an enigma to me these days. A mystery. And so is our Lord. I thank Him for the revelation He provided this morning. He works in mysterious ways. 

P.S. OH! Want to know the story?  Mom was a single girl working in Washington, D.C. On a lunch break, she walked to a department store. She found a beautiful bedroom set, and a cedar chest. She purchased the items on layway. She got engaged, married, and immediately moved to Cheyenne, Wyoming. For a full year, the store held her items in storage until she (Mom and Dad) returned to D.C. And now you know the rest of the story. 💗😀


  1. Thank you for that sweet reminder ❤️

  2. Thank you for all you are doing for our beautiful Marmie❣️

  3. Thank you for the kind reminder sister! Very well put 💖😍😚

    1. You’re welcome, and thank you for reading 💕


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