Slice of Heaven

Someone posted a challenge on my poetry site - what is your slice of heaven?  The first four lines was his original challenge, the remaining is my response.  This is dedicated to my husband, my love...he truly is my slice of heaven and has made my life so rich and wonderful.  Though not perfect, he is perfect for me.  To you, my love.

 Slice of Heaven

Consider your own slice of heaven
what would you want it to be
hand in hand with one you love
Exploring love's mystery...
to be with one
who knows me, both
inside and out;
who knows my faults
and foibles,
knows what I'm about;
someone to greet
my mornings,
an easy, open smile;
someone to kiss
every night,
own deserted isle.
When chips are down,
he's always there,
with open arms
and hugs to spare;
through good times
and bad, how two
lives can blend;
my slice of heaven...
is my husband, and friend.

Copyright © Kristina M. Hooper, 06/19/2011


  1. I like this poem very much. It is the way I still see my wife of almost 55 years. My best

  2. Wow, 55 years...that's amazing. Congrats to you and your wife!


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